Art of Root Treatments

Discover the Art of Root Treatments

Tap, smudge, and melt. Shadow roots are the latest craze in hairdressing, offering seamless blends and dimensional depth. Ready to dive into this trend? Here’s the inside scoop:


Have you ever heard of root “tapping”? It’s when a touch of your natural hue is delicately applied to a small section of hair at the root. Root smudging achieves a similar effect but with a lighter touch.

Ideal for those craving a blonde bombshell look, root taps gently soften those telltale foil lines and keep your grow-out looking effortlessly chic.


Enter the world of root shadowing, a game-changer for low-maintenance colour. This technique involves applying a darker shade directly to the roots, creating a soft, seamless contrast that refreshes your look and adds dimension.

Perfect for clients who adore the brightness of blonde but also crave that lived-in, rooty vibe. Plus, it’s a dream come true for those who prefer fewer salon visits, with touch-ups needed only every 10 to 12 weeks.


Looking for depth and dimension in your colour? Root melting is the answer. This technique seamlessly blends darker tones with lighter ones, resulting in a ‘lived-in’ aesthetic that’s both low-maintenance and utterly chic.

It is ideal for clients seeking a deep-rooted allure, whether it’s a brunette melt, high-contrast blonde, or a transition from summer to fall shades.

Whether you’re after a subtle refresh or a dramatic transformation, these root treatments offer versatility and style, ensuring you rock that flawless look every time.

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